
We are not able to provide a list of the companies we supply our prime ingredients to:
owing to our professional ethics, to protect our customers, for reasons of privacy and especially because the list would be too long, uninteresting and useless; 

as an alternative, we have decided to show some professionals who, thrilled with our "Active" principles, have kindly and out of friendship decided to "stick their neck out" personally, bearing witness to their direct experience.

  • ABKEY D.H. - Walton T.E.: Liquid-Phase Study of ozone inactivation of Venezuelan Equine Encephalomyelitis Virus. @ Applied And Environmental Microbiology 50, (4), 1985, 882-886.
  • ABLONDI M.: Aspetto farmacologico dell'impiego dell'ozono in medicina bovina. Tesi di Laurea 1996, Universita' di Parma Facolta' di Medicina Veterinaria.
  • ANCAUX Y. - THIRY E. - PASTORET P.P. - LIGOT J.: Effect of ozone on Infections Bovine Rhinotracheitis Virus (Bovid Herpesvirus). @ Annales de Medicine Veterinaire 126 (4), 1982, 327-333.
  • AUBOURG: L'ozone medical: production, posologie, models d'applications cliniques. @ Bull. Med. Paris 52, 1938, 745-749
  • BALKANTYL E.: The interaction between ozone therapy and oxigen radicals and their importance. @ Ozone in medicine, Vol. 3, 1989, 22-27.
  • BALTIN H.: Sauerstoffpartialdruckmessung im arterriellen und venosen blutvor, wahrend un nach ozonbehandlung. ² Ozonachrichten 2, 40, 1983.
  • BERGSMANN O.: Verbesserung der respiratorischen sauerstoffaufnahme durch ozon-sauerstoff-therapie. @ Ozonosan-Hausmitteilung nr. 7, 1979.
  • BERTE VAIRETTI M., RICHELMI P.: Ozono: problemi tossicologici con particolare riguardo alla formazione dei radicali liberi. @ V° Congr. Inter. Soc. Ital. Ossigeno-Ozono Terapia, Punta Ala, 1990.
  • BIENIEK, REMMERS: Ozonization of drinking water for laboratory animals. @ Zeitschrift fur versu chstierkunde, 23 (3), 1981, 172.
  • BOLTON D.C., TARKINGTON B.K., ZEE Y.C., OSEBOLD J.W.: An in vitro sistem for studying the effects of ozone on mammalian cell cultures and viruses. @ Environmental Research 27 (2), 1982, 466-475.
  • BOLTON D.C., TARKINGTON B.K., ZEE Y.C., OSEBOLD J.W.: The Byological effects of ozone on representative members of five groups of animal viruses. @ Environmental Research 27 (2), 1982, 476-484.
  • BUCCA S.: L'impiego dei tests enzimatici nella clinica equina con contributo personale. @ Tesi Laurea Med. Vet. Torino (1977).
  • BUCKLEY R.D., HACLNEY J.D., CLARK K., POSIN C.: Ozone and human blood. @ Arch. Envir. Health, 30-40, 1975.
  • CASARET, DOULLS: Toxicology: the basic science of poison. Third edition, 1986. Ed. Curtis D. Klaassen, Mary O. Amdur, John Doull M.D.
  • CHAMORRO T.A.: El ozone en caso de ostomielitis. @ Semana Med. 2, 1940, 1061-1065.
  • CHATELUS P.: Contribution al'etude des transaminase seriques chez le cheval de sport. @ These pour le doctorate veterinaire (1991), Ecole Nationale Veterinaire D'Alfort.
  • CHIEFFARI M., LETTIERI B., LUONGO C.: Laser Terapia e Ozono Terapia nelle ulcere periferiche. @ Fitness e Ossigeno-Ozono News 3 (5), 1991, 4-5.
  • CODAZZA D., MAFFEO G., RADAELLI G.: Serum enzyme changes and haematochemical levels inthoroughbreds after transport and exercise. @ Ji S. Afr. Vet .Ass., Vol. 45 (4), 1974, 331-334.
  • CORNELIUS C.E., RURNHAM L.G., HILL H.E.: Serum transaminase activities of thoroughbreds horses in training. @ J.A.M.V.A., Vol. 142, n° 6, 1963, 639-642.
  • DI MARI W.: Il doping nel cavallo sportivo: rilievi clinico-terapeutici in campo, con particolare riguardo all'impiego della "Banamine". @ Tesi Laurea Med. Vet, Torino (1982).
  • DIMOV: Bactericidal effect of ozone. @ Vaterinarna sbirka 77 (2), 1979, 14-17.
  • EBERHARDT H.G.: Die erfolgreiche stimulierung des immunsystems. @ Ozonnachrichten 2, 1983, 8.
  • GERBER H.: Serium enzyme determination in equine medicine. @ Equine Vet. Journal, Vol. 1, N° 3, 1969, 129-139.
  • GROSSI G.: L'Ossigeno-Ozono Terapia quale supporto complementare nella cura delle malattie erpetiche. @ Fitness e Ossigeno-Ozono News 3 (4), 1991, 4-5.
  • HANDLING: Chemicals safety (1980).
  • HOFFMANN D.: Die ozontherapie bei coronarer herzkrankheut. @ Ozonachrichten, 1 (3), 1982, 49.
  • HOTCHKIISS J.A., HARKEMA J.R., SUN J.D., HENDERSON R.F.: Comparison of acute ozone induced nasal and pulmonary inflammatory responses inrats. @ Toxicology and applied pharmacology 98, 1989, 289-302.
  • HYDE D.M., PINO H.V., DUNGWORTH D.L., STOVALL H.Y., LEVIN J.R.: Timer dependent relationships between neutrophil migration and epithelial necrosis in centriacinar regions following ozone exposure. @ Anatomia histologia embryologia 19 (1), 1990, 85-86.
  • KONRAD H.: Die ozonbehandlung bei hepatitis und herpes; in:"wasser", Berlin, 5. @ Ozon-weltkongres, 1981.
  • KONRAD H.: Ozone-Therapy against viral desease. @ Kongresbericht I.O.A. 7 ozon-weltkongres 9-12 september, 1985, TOKIO.
  • KSENZ N.V.: Improving the microclimate in animal houses by using electrical ionization (ozone generation). @ Vestnik Sel'Skokhozyaistvuennoi Naukoi URSS N° 3, 1988, 117-120.
  • JEFFCOTT L.B.: Haematology in relation to performances and potentia. 2. Some specific aspects. @ JL S AFR VET. ASS., 45, 1974, 279.
  • JONES W.E.: Equine sports medicine. @ Lea and febiger, Philadelphia (1989).
  • JOKEY CLUB ITALIANO: Regolamento delle corse. @ Regolamento generale della F.E.I., Ed. 1990.
  • LACOSTE: Traitment des insuffisances vasculares par l'ozone. @ Gaz. Med. de France 315, 1951.
  • LEE S.D., MUSTAFA M.D., MEHLDMAN M.A.: The biomedical effects of ozone and related photochemical oxidants. @ Advances in modern environmental toxicology 5, Princeton Scientifica Publishers, Princeton N.J. 1983, 1-671.
  • LETTIERI B., CHIEFFARI M., VICARIO G.: Cardiopatie ischemiche ed ozono terapia. @ Fitness e Ossigeno-Ozono News 3 (5), 1991, 6-11.
  • MOORE G.S., CALABRESE E.J., SCHULZ: Effects of in vivo ozone exposure to dorset sheep, an animal model with low levels of erythrocyte glucose-6-phosfate dehydrogenase activity. @ Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 26 (2), 1981, 273-280.
  • MOORE G.S., CALABRESE E.J., LABATO: Erythrocyte survival in sheep exposed to ozone. @ Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 27 (1), 1981, 126-138.
  • MOORE G.S., CALABRESE E.J., WILLIAMS P.J.: An evalutation of the dorset sheep as a predictive animal model for the response of G-6-P dehydrogenase deficient human erythrocites to a proposed systemic toxic ozone intermediate, methil oleate ozonide. @ Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 7 (4), 1983, 416-422.
  • MOORE G.S., CALABRESE E.J., WILLIAMS P.J.: An evalutation of the dorset sheep as a predictive animal model for the response of G-6-P dehydrogenase deficient human erythrocites to a proposed systemic toxic ozone intermediate, methil linoleate hydroperoxide. @ Journal of environmental science and health 18 (1), 1983, 1-17.
  • MOORE G.S., CALABRESE E.J., WILLIAMS P.J.: An evalutation of the dorset sheep as a predictive animal model for the response of G-6-P dehydrogenase deficient human erythrocites to a proposed systemic toxic ozone intermediate, methil oleate hydroperoxide. @ Veterinary and human toxicology 25 (4), 1983, 241-246.
  • MONOGRAPH: Ozone chemistry and technology. @ Advances in chemistry sereis N° 21 (A.C.S.), Washington D.C., (1959) pp. 465.
  • MORGAN D.L., FURLOW T.L., MENZEL D.B.: Ozone initiated changes in erythrocyte membrane and loss of deformability. @ Environmental research 45, 1988, 108-117.
  • PAGANONI L.: Il doping nel cavallo da corsa. @ Tesi Laurea Med. Vet. Torino (1977).
  • PAULESU L., LUZZI E., LOZZI G., FANETTI G., BOCCI V.: Effetti biologici dell'ozono sulle cellule mononucleate del sangue periferico. Valutazione di un possibile meccanismo d'azione. @ Fitness e Ossigeno-Ozono News 2 (4), 1990, 10-12.
  • PEMSINGH R.J., ATWAL O.S.: Occurrence of APVD-Type cells in the ciliated cyst of the parathyroid gland of ozone-exposed dogs.
  • RILLING S., VIEBAHN R.: The use of ozone in medicine. @ Karl F. Haug. Publishers Heidelberg. 2nd Edition, 1987, pp. 7-187.
  • RILLING S.: Hystorical view of the developements of medical ozone therapy. @ Kongresbericht I.O.A. 7 Ozon-weltkongres 9-12 September 1985, TOKYO.
  • RILLING S.: The basic clinical applications of ozone therapy. @ Ozonachrichten Vol. 4, 1985, 7-17.
  • RIVA SANSEVERINO E.: Trattamento intensivo medico e fisico dell'osteoporosi con l'aiuto dell'ossigeno-ozono terapia. @ Fitness e Ossigeno-Ozono News 2 (2), 1990, 30-33.
  • RIVA SANSEVERINO E.: Aspetti immunologici dell'ozono terapia. @ Fitness e Ossigeno-Ozono News 1 (2), 1989, 15-17.
  • ROKITANSKY O.: Klinik und biochemie der ozontherapie. @ Hospitalis N° 10-11 (52), 1982, Suppl. Spec.
  • ROKITANSKY O., ROKITANSKY A., STEINER J., TRUBEL W., VIEBANH R., WHASHUTTI J.: Die ozontherapie bei peripheren, arterielle durchbluungsstorungen; klinik, biochemische unt blutgasanalytische untersuchungen. @ Wasser Berlin (1981) - Atti 5° congresso mondiale sull'ozono, Berlino.
  • ROKITANSKY O.: Die extremitaten ozonbecauring mit unterdruchstiefel nach Rokitansky. @ Atti Sett. Med. Baden Baden (1979).
  • ROKITANSKY O.: Klinik und biochemie der ozontherapie. @ Hospitalis 52, 1982, 643-711.
  • SATO H., WANANABE Y., MIYATA H.: Virucidal effect of ozone treatement of laboratory animal viruses. @ Experimental animals 32 (2), 1990, 223-229.
  • SCROLLAVEZZA P., POLDI R., BOTTI P., ZANICHELLI S., PEZZOLI G.: L'autoemotrasfusione ozonizzata nel cavallo in anestesia generale inalatoria con alotano. @ Ippologia 1 (3), 1990, 57-61.
  • SCROLLAVEZZA P., BOTTI P., ZANICHELLI S., PEZZOLI G.: Osservazioni sugli effetti dell'autoemotrasfusione ozonizzata iperbarica praticata in fase antecedente l'anestesia generale con alotano nel cavallo. @ Ippologia 2 (1), 1991, 51-55.
  • SCHNEIDER H.J.: Exercise phisiology. In: Ditz, Wierner, Turner A.S. Deseaseof the horses. @ Karger, Basel, part 1, 1984
  • SHELDON B.W., WHISTLER P.E.: Efficacy of ozone versus formaldehyde as disinfectants in poultry hatcheries. @ Poultry science 66, 1987, Suppl. 1, 175.
  • SNOW D.H., RICKETTS S.W., MASON O.K.: Haematological response to racing and training. Exercise in throughbred horses with particular reference to the leucocyte response. @ Equine Vet. J, 12, 1980, 132.
  • SNOW D.H.: Exercise and training. Inhickam J. Horse Management. @ Academic press, London 1987.
  • SNOW D.H., PERSON G.B., ROSE R.J.: Equine exercise phisiology. @ Granta Ed. Cambridge 1983.
  • SPAGNOLI U., AMERIGHI F.: L'ossigeno-Ozono Terapia in Dermatologia. @ Fitness e Ossigeno-Ozono News 1 (2), 1989, 9-11.
  • STOCKINGER H.E.: Ozone toxicity. A preview of research and industrial experience: 1954-1965
  • The international technical information institute: Toxic and hazardous industrial chemicals safety manual for handling and disposal with toxicity and hazard data. 1986.
  • THORP C.E.: Bibliography of ozone technology. @ Armour Res. Found. Chicago. Lab. Prepn: Org. Syn. Col. Vol. III, 1955, 673.
  • TIETZ C.: Ozontherapie als adjuvants in der onkologie. @ Ozonachrichten 2, 4, 1983.
  • TYLER W.S., TYLER N.K.: Pulmonary effects of ozone during lung growth. @ Anatomia histologia embryologia 13 (3), 1984, 279.
  • VAN DER ZEE J., TJISSEN CHRISTIANSE K., DUBBELMAN T.M.A.R., VAN STEVENINK J.: The influence of ozone on human red blood cells. Comparison with other mechanism of oxidative stress. @ Biochim. Biophis. Acta 924, 1987, 111-118.
  • WERKMEISTER H.: Ozon-saurstaffurter druchbegasun bei strahlenbedingten ulzerationen. @ Erfahrung-Shailkunde 5, 1976, 180.
  • VIEBAHN R.: The efficacy of medical ozone in improving circulation: biochemical aspects. @ KONGRESBERICHT I.O.A. 7 Ozon-Weltkongres 9-12 September 1985 TOKYO.
  • WHISTLER P.E., SHELDON B.W.: Biocidal activity of ozone versus formaldehide against poultry pathogens inoculated in a prototype setter. @ Poultry science 68 (8), 1989, 1068-1073.
  • WHISTLER P.E., SHELDON B.W.: Bactericidal activity, eggshell conductance, and hatchability effects of ozone versus formaldehide disinfection. @ Poultry science 68 (8), 1989, 1074-1077.
  • WHISTLER P.E., SHELDON B.W.: Comparison of ozone and formaldehide as poultry hatchery disinfectants. @ Poultry science 68 (10), 1989, 1345-1350.
  • WOLCOTT J.A., ZEE Y.C., OSEBOLD J.W.: Exposure to ozone reduces influenza desease severity and alters distributions of influenza viral antigens in murine lungs. @ Applied and environmental microbiology 44 (3) 1982, 723-731.
  • ZAMBRASKI E.J.: Exercise phisiology on equine performance. @ Proceding of the annual convenction of the american association of equine practioners, 1983.
  • ZIAD FAHMY: L'ozono terapia nelle malattie reumatiche. @ Fitness e Ossigeno-Ozono News 2 (2), 1990, 38.

Ozonating an oil is NOT enough to obtain a quality raw material!

To guarantee truly superior quality, we operate in every sector of the production chain, scientifically, avoiding chemical products and additives of any kind, in compliance with current regulations, respecting the ecosystem, with the highest hygiene standards and constantly carrying out research, in order to obtain an innovative and safe active raw material.

Nothing is left to chance, our protocol is very strict, and everything is monitored: from the quality of ambient air to the air used for production processes, from the cleaning of facilities to eco-friendly technologies and shipping. Everything!


At all stages operations involving contact between the raw material and air are few, very brief and carried out in “hygienic safety”, in order to limit the microbiological risk.

Ozonation of the oil takes place in a very technical and particularly controlled environment fitted with patented and exclusive equipment.

Processing involves only vegetable oil and oxygen-ozone, with NO chemical additives or anything else... In order to guarantee the highest possible safety and quality, processing involves only “direct” contact between oil and oxygen-ozone, through a technology developed by our expertise; the ozone is obtained with state-of-the-art “cold plasma” ecological technology (our patents) using medical oxygen in cylinders or oxygen obtained by ultrafiltration, purification and treatment of the air, which ensures the removal of any potentially noxious or harmful impurity.


All the safety and control measures were implemented along with ongoing staff training and awareness-raising. Very significant investments in production methods, analysis, tests, equipment and accessories have been made in order to achieve the highest possible guarantee of quality.

Every batch of “active functional substance” undergoes analysis, measurements, checks, tests and controls. The dermo-cosmetic characteristics and the “NON skin irritancy” are verified by certifications, tests and reports about the product: these attest to and certify the quality and value of our raw material.


  • Natural
  • NO additives
  • Only oil & oxygen-ozone
  • Direct contact system
  • Hygiene
  • Safety
  • Eco-sustainability
  • Analysis
  • Monitoring
  • Certifications
  • Innovative know-how
  • Checks and measurements
  • Regulatory compliance

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We produce only and exclusively ozonated oils in our modern laboratories. We DO NOT produce “finished” cosmetic products, but only functional substances to be used as raw material and, out of professionalism, we NEVER set ourselves up as competitors to our clients.

Our company was born out of a group of businesses operating in the “ozone” sector: equipment, treatments, services and ozonated oils.